Snapshot (Long Term & Shares)

Snapshot (Long Term & Shares)

At Bullana, we have implemented a unique system to reward long-term holders and active community members. Every Monday, we take a snapshot of all wallets holding $BULL tokens and calculate a Loyalty Score for each wallet. This Loyalty Score directly influences the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) Multiplier, allowing users to potentially earn higher rewards on their staked tokens.

Weekly Wallet Snapshots

To ensure fairness and accuracy in calculating the Loyalty Score, we perform a snapshot of all wallets holding $BULL tokens every Monday. This snapshot captures the following data:

  1. The amount of $BULL tokens held in each wallet

  2. The duration for which the tokens have been held

  3. The wallet's participation in community activities and events

By regularly capturing this data, we can maintain an up-to-date record of each wallet's commitment to the Bullana ecosystem.

Last updated